【2021和平紀念日連假公告/Holiday Announcement of Peace Memorial Day】



2/26 -2/28為和平紀念日假期,如連假期間有事需聯繫本中心,請e-mail到本中心信箱 tcuclc@gms.tcu.edu.tw,

本中心將於下一個上班日盡速為您處理,感謝您!敬祝您 佳節愉快!


【2022 Holiday Announcement of Peace Memorial Day 】

Chinese Language Center will be closed during Peace Memorial Day Holiday of 2021, from 26 February 2022 to 28 February 2022. If you need to contact us, please send e-mail to tcuclc@gms.tcu.edu.tw We will deal with your requests on the next working day.

Chinese Language Center of Tzu Chi University